The Art of Haitian Vodou
Vodou is a syncretic religion in Haiti, a religion that helped to inspire a revolt that freed African slaves from French rule and led to the first black republic in 1804. For many in Europe and America, it is known as Voodoo, superstition and belief that uses pins in dolls, human sacrifice and zombies. This talk will help to dispel the myths and introduce the colourful and eclectic range of Vodou Art. You will be introduced to some of the lwa, the Vodou spirits, that have inspired sequinned flags, paintings and sculptures, and you will see ceremonial objects and altars that are themselves works of art.
Louise Fenton will take you on a fully illustrated journey through seventy years of Vodou Art from this island in the Caribbean.
This event is part of the University's Artsfest programme, for more information on our other events please go to wlv.ac.uk/artsfest