On Thursday 29th October 2015 Recognize Black Heritage & Culture was delighted to have hosted yet another highly successful event, Black Soldiers in the First World War - the African Frontline 1914-1918. Hosted at the Library of Birmingham for the third time, the event was fully booked with a diverse range of participants who helped to make the afternoon the success it has become. With a range of guest speakers, Onyeka Nubia (Narrative Eye), Horrace Barnes (WAWI) and Selina Carty (Black Poppy Rose), participants were treated to an afternoon of intellectual and enlightening talks and discussions with input and questions actively encouraged.
The success of the event was echoed through the outstanding feedback received from attendees. In summary, 100% of respondents described themselves as being 'very satisfied' with the event, 'very likely' to come to future Recognize events and all would 'definitely' recommend Recognize events to others. Recognize would like to take this opportunity to offer a heartfelt 'thanks' to all those who took the time to come to the event and provide feedback. Events like this are only as strong as those willing to take time out to consume and digest as much cultural and spiritual knowledge as is available and it is evident that these numbers are growing year on year. Our fundamental purpose, to recognise Black Heritage and Culture through a wide range of mediums, is filtering through and we are trying to satisfy the thirst within our Community.
In conclusion, we sincerely thank our hosts, The Voices of War and Peace, our guest speakers and equally crucial, you, the attendees who make such occasions unmitigated successes.