Legacies of the First World War Festival
22nd & 23rd March 2019
Venue: Midlands Arts Centre
Legacies of the First World War Festival is hosted by the Arts & Humanities Research Council WW1 Engagement Centres.
The Diversity festival in Birmingham on March 22 & 23 will be dedicated to reflecting on public history and heritage with a focus on diverse stories, exploring the different types of collaborative work that has been done around WW1 subjects since 2014, and to thinking about future/potential collaborations and how community organisations and academics can continue working together to explore all aspects of the past.
The festival will enable participants and attendees to better understand the challenges and opportunities of collaborative work around history, heritage and commemoration. A series of panel discussions, informal workshops, film screenings, and performances will provide an informal and friendly forum for stimulating conversations around co-produced knowledge and critical responses to history and heritage.
We welcome community organisers, heritage and creative workers, academics, local historians, and members of the public.
For more information and to register please visit our Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/voices-of-war-amp-peace-first-world-war-…
The full programme will be released be released in February
Please note the event takes place over two days and there are three different registration forms depending on which part you wish to attend.