Let's Talk About Race
Let's Talk About Race Thursday 25th June, 7-9 pm Online talk and discussion
Let's Talk About Race
Thursday 25th June, 7-9 pm
Online talk and discussion
Pre-register to attend this event via Zoom here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
In response to the recent anti-racism protests, we invite you to an open-hearted online discussion. Looking back to hear stories of white supremacy systems of racism, and share our experiences and concerns. Also looking forward to consider how we can support anti-racism action in the future.
Opening and introduction – Rev Kate Dean, Minister, Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel, Hampstead.
UK White Supremacy Systems: Why I never knew the history of Liverpool with slavery – Unitarian Elder, Margaret Perry, Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel.
Black and the UK. The negative portrayal of black history, the discrimination and racism suffered by the Windrush generation past to present; Sharing positive contributions of black people to UK history – Garry Stewart, Director at Recognize Black Heritage and Culture.
Being our authentic self: The challenges of people of colour to be ourselves – Rev Winnie Gordon, Minister, UNM Birmingham and Kidderminster Unitarians Churches.
Recognising our White Privileges – Dr Judy Ryde, Psychotherapist
Breakout Discussions and Feedback
Moving forward: What we can do – Rev Cody Coyne, Minister, Cross Street Chapel, Manchester.
Concluding comments - Liz Slade, Chief Officer, General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
June 25th, 2020 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM