THE BIRMINGHAM collective that won another lengthy commission to deliver the city’s official Black History Month celebration has spoken out in response to the scores of protests and demonstrations across the Midlands in support of the Black Lives Matter movement
The Blackstory Partnership (BSP) will take the lead on the festivities this year through to 2022, having delivered the programme between 2016 and last year.
“There is a lot of hurt and deep feelings that have been dredged up within the black community as a result of what the world has seen happened to George Floyd right in front of our eyes,” said BSP member Audrey Parkes on behalf of the group. “For us, ‘Black Lives Matter’ is a statement and it is a fact.
There’s a lot of hurt and deep feelings that has been dredged up within the black community as a result of what the world has seen happened to George Floyd right in front of our eyes.
“We have a unique opportunity to tell our story, our challenges, our hopes and demands for change and equality once and for all.
“It is for the betterment of not just Birmingham, or the UK, but for the world. To challenge those perceptions that have restricted our progress and participation in society is our goal.
“Black History Month is not about slavery – which is a small but painful part of our history – but the achievements of black people throughout many centuries.
“Our culture is embedded deeply in the city of Birmingham and it’s time to celebrate that with our fellow citizens.”
This year’s activities will be scaled back in response to the impact of coronavirus – the launch will take place online on September 25 – but aims to be “innovative and creative” and will “showcase black talent and consciousness.”
BSP has appealed to the public for comment on what it would like to see included in this year’s BHM at birminghamblackhistorymonth.co.uk, through the online submission forms or its social media accounts.
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