This month’s Yellow Wednesday features 1500 & Counting from Siana Bangura and Troy James Aidoo.
Since 1991, there have been over 1600 deaths in police custody or following police contact. Of that number, a disproportionate amount have been victims from racialised communities, despite people of colour making up just 14% of the British population. Extraordinarily, not one police officer has been brought to justice, despite valiant ongoing campaigns led by affected families and their allies.
‘1500 & Counting’ is a documentary film investigating deaths in custody and police brutality in the UK.
Runtime: 90 minutes
Director: Troy James Aidoo
Producer: Siana Bangura
There will be a post-film screening panel discussion and Q&A with the filmmakers and guests, including Urban Hayo and Adam Pugh who feature in the film.
Tickets are free for members of Impact Hub Birmingham and £5 for non-members. You can book your tickets here via Eventbrite. Doors open at 18.30 and the film starts promptly at 19.00.
Since the end of May 2015, Siana and award-winning filmmaker Troy James Aidoo have embarked on an overwhelming journey of education and facing up to some very painful truths. Propelled by the death of Sheku Bayoh on 3rd May 2015 – a man killed in cold blood by police in Scotland – Siana and Troy set about trying to understand why his death was not met with the same outrage as the equally horrific deaths of African-American brothers and sisters. After much soul searching, research, and questioning, Siana and Troy discovered that quite simply, enough people just did not know that these things happen here too.
In Britain, racism is insidious and institutionalised. In the UK, racism is always up for debate. In the UK, we are always told things are better here than in the USA. Troy and Siana didn’t agree and that’s why they made 1500 and Counting, it was to place a much-needed spotlight on police brutality and the gross misconduct of our forces here on British soil.
Siana Bangura is a writer and producer hailing from South East London. She is the author of ‘Elephant’, a collection of poetry meditating on Black British womanhood and the founder and former editor of Black British Feminist platform, No Fly on the WALL.
Siana is the producer of ‘1500 & Counting’, a film investigating deaths in custody and police brutality in the UK. Her wide portfolio of work focuses on bringing marginalised voices from the margins, to the centre. Follow her on Instagram at @Sianaarrgh
Troy James Aidoo is a videographer, visual content creator, ethical filmmaker and conscious marketer. Troy has almost 10 years experience creating content for brands, charities and nonprofits as well as other brands looking to improve the world with a product/service they provide. Follow Troy on Twitter: @TroytheDirector and see more of his work via his website.
Find out more at www.1500andcountingfilm.com and follow @1500Andcounting on Twitter.